Companies are beginning to build stakeholder trust and simultaneously improve their business performance by measuring and reporting on financial as well as non-financial indicators related to issues such as environmental and social responsibility. They benefit in the long term by establishing a system of measuring, monitoring and reporting on economic, environmental and social performance.
We provide assistance in the latest management science - Sustainability Management, which is based on Triple Bottom Line or 3E's Principle of Economics (Quality, Corporate Governance), Environment and Ethics (for internal & external personnel).
Sustainability Reports are seen as evidence of good corporate citizenship, which is closely connected with establishing and retaining competitiveness in the global markets. At the same time, it has also been internationally established that sustainability reporting leads to improved business performance.
COMS provides technical assistance in developing corporate sustainability report, in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines. In addition, COMS verifies Sustainability Reports for adequacy.